Employment Opportunities

Shortlist for the Positions of Director Revenue and Research, Senior Financial Analyst and Senior Internal Auditor

Please find below the shortlist for the above mentioned positions advertised by the Commission. The individuals shortlisted will be contacted by the Commission for further details. Congratulations to those who were shortlisted. This is also to inform the rest who applied but were not successful that you can try another...

Job advert for three(3) positions in the Commission

                                                  EXTERNAL ADVERTISEMENT Local  Government  Finance  Commission,  established  under Article  194  of the  Constitution  of the Republic of Uganda and mandated to advise the President on all matters concerning the distribution of revenue between the Government and local governments and the allocation to each local government of monies out of...

Job Advert

The Local Government Finance Commission (LGFC) is an autonomous arm of government responsible for advising central and local governments on issues of fiscal decentralisation. The Commission is established under Article 194 of the 1995 Constitution and has been operational since February 1995 following an official launch by Hon. Bidandi Ssali,...